Why reading is important?

Reading has a lot of benefits. Some we know and some we don’t realize. These 7 reasons are important for everyone. Discover and recognice them below.

Do you remember the time that you were little? You learned to read? There was a world you didn’t know. And now you got the invitation to enter it. The hard work was to recognize al the symbols, the letters, the words and than after trying every evening it happened. You were a part of the reading world.

But why stays reading afterwards so important?

When we get older some of us don’t read anymore. Looking at TV, TikTok, Youtube and streaming is a lot easier. And perhaps it’s what you need after a long day of work. It’s your way to relax. If that’s the case do so. But when you want to expand your thinking, reading is the way.

7 benefits of reading?

1. Reading is a form of entertainment

When was the last time you were in a bookstore? Looking at all those books that were calling for your attention. The entertainment part of reading starts here. Looking and knowing you cannot take all the books home you would like. First there will be choice stress but after that when you walk home, you think about the hours you can do the thing you really love: read. But why do you love it? You can go to your own world, take your me-time and forget the rest of the world. You can choose every day what you want to read: a thriller, fantasy or romance ? Read in complete silence or with your favorite playlist.

When was the last time you read a book that was impossible to put down? When you looked at the clock and thought:

Is it really that late?

The wonderfull thing about books is, there are so many, that there is one for you as well! You just have to find it and the entertainment starts!

2. Reading improves your focus and memory

Reading every book in one sit is not possible. Sometimes you don’t have a lot of time and sometimes it is to much to read in one sit. Even if you do so you have to stay focused while reading. You have to remember who is where, what is the relationship between the characters or what the author explaned in the previous chapters. It’s a stimulation for your brain.

Reading is a neurobiological process that trains your brain muscles. Every day brain training can help to slow down diseases like Alzheimer’s and dementia. The connection between the different sides of the brain stays active, maintain strenght and keeps it’s power.

3. Reading lowers stress

Not only is it good for brain training but while you are working out you are also work on lowering your stress. Why? You are focused. You’re not multitasking. 1 thing is on your mind while reading a great book and that is the following page. The problems of that day will be forgotten for a breef moment. The stress will fade away for that time and your brain and body will heal. That’s why reading can be a form of your meditation. It is even possible you’ll find the answer for your daily problem in your half hour of reading.

Look as well in which environment you read. Most often you choose a place where it is quiet. You have even a silent coupe in some trains so a person can work, read or write. In daily life you won’t read in a crowd or a place with a lot of noice. The most of the time you will go to a quiet place, under a blanket in the couch, in the garden in the sun or a place where you can relax. Enjoy the silence and focus.

Experiment for yourself. Feel your breathing the moment you start to read and feel again after you read 30 minutes. What has changed?

4. Reading expands your vocabulary

Every author uses other words, every genre has his style and every topic has its own language. When you’re reading a novel there will be other words in it than when you are reading an economics book.

And when you’re reading Jane Austen you’re not reading Prins Harry. Start to look for 1 word that is not common in your vocabulary. You will find one in every book. And that’s why the reader knows thousands of words more than the non reader. It will help you even in your professional life.

5. Reading improves your writing skills

If you read more, your vocabulary and pronunciation improve naturally. Your writing skills will follow. Not only that but because you are used to concentrate, it is more easy to focus on the topic you are writing about. It allows you to use other words that are more effectively than others.

You will get the most out of it in your daily life. When you have to make a mail for work, you mail to a friend or you mail to another reader ;-). When you want to write a book yourself , be sure you have read enough. Only then you have the vocabulary to express yourself in a good way.

6. Reading is learning

Everytime you read you learn. And if you want to learn about a topic it’s vital to read.

Look at the most importent persons in the world. Ask them what they do. They all read every day. They want to learn more.

When you read you learn about that topic. You choose the interests you have, maybe it is about economics, self help, tennis, music or nature. When it is your passion you want to know more about that.

Know that you don’t have to read non fiction to learn. Even when you read fiction books you still learn. Do you remember when you where in that scene in the police office? Or when there was a eruption of a volcano? Probably the author did his research. He went to the police office near by to ask questions about an interrogation. Or he went to a volcano specialist to know what would happen if his main role was on a certain place on the mountain…. you don’t realize it but they checked it for you. So the more you read the smarter you’ll get.

7. Reading takes you away from reality

Each book tells a different story. When you read fantasy or Sci-fi you’re in completly different worlds. But this happens in all the books you read. You’re not in your own world , away from your problems and you can solve someone else’s problems.

The book allows you to be taken away to a different time, land and can give you some time living in someone else’s shoes for a while. You can do it over and over again. The best escape from reality!

A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies. The man who never reads lives only one.

George RR Martin

There are many more benefits of reading! This is just the top of the iceberg.

But what is the most importent thing when you read?

That you love it!

It’s a way of life, it’s an addiction andit’s who you are.

Someone can say to you that your a bookworm but they don’t know that inside your a bookdragon!

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