Why do you always need a notebook?

Do you have a notebook with you all the time?

I do. I work with a bullet journal and I have always a little notebook in my purse. Why do you think?

Why do you need a bullet journal?

Many people use a calendar or an app on your phone to know when you have to be where… But what with your planning. I find that there is no room for planning my blog schedule. That’s why I use a couple of years a bullet journal. It’s not a fancy one but very basic. In this journal I have made a monthly calendar, a lot of pages for my blog and other projects and I’ve made a weekly calendar.


So I have everything on one notebook! I have it always with me. When I have 5 minutes of time I can work on my goals.

You can make pages about your planning. When you want to publish what. But it’s also a great place to put in some pages for your braindump!

What do you think about the numbers of visitors? You can make a list for every month. Everything you can think about can have a pages. The nice part is you set the system up and it works for a hole year. I know you have also your Google analytics activated and you can jump in there and learn a lot about your website. But I like to write it down as well. What do you like?

Do you have more project? Just make pages for that as well. And if you have louds of them just take a separate notebook for each one of them. In that way the structure will be more clear.

Write down what you learned!

Do you look a bunch of video’s on YouTube? You’re reading this blog so you want to learn. But do you just watch and read? Don’t you want to write things down to implement it on your blog. I write the most important things down otherwise I forget them after a few weeks….

There are a lot of little changes you can make in a short time that can change a lot after a couple of months. When you didn’t wrote it down the possible that you don’t know any more what you did before. What is it what now makes the differance. What keyword did you use? What app did you use to find it ? What stategy were you trying out? Perhaps your memory is better then mine….

The best thing of all is you have everything in one place. You never have to search!

Why do you need a little notebook?

Often I need a little paper to write something down for someone. Do you have to look for a little paper in that case? I do. And sometimes I want to write something down but it’s not suited for my bullet journal. And I have to say I’m in love with little nootbooks. So I can not have then enough.

Are there other reasons to have a notebook?

Yes. In the beginning of the year you can plan a lot but not everything! When are you reading this blog? Is this in January when you are planning your new year? Or is this in the other months? When you have your system up it’s possible that it’s not the easy to integrate a large project.

Just take another little notebook and cluster your planning, thoughts, braindump and perhaps administration in there. The fun part is that you can look back after a year and see what you have learned in that period of time.

Maybe you want to separate your personal planning from your business planning. Then a notebook for that purpose is ideal. It is always what is the best for you!

Why write your plans down?

Why can you use an app? You have tons of them… Sure you can do that but it is proven that you mind works better when you write it down ( not typing). Your brain wants to work towards the goals you have written down. You can read them and learn them by heart. You just remember them better!

It is possible your plans are huge. Perhaps you want to get more traffic on your site next year. No not a raise by 20% but you want to increase your views bij 200% a month. How are you going to work towards that? You have to divide yourself goal into little pieces.

Your notebook can help you with that. First start to braindump everything you can do for reaching your goals. Little things and bigger things mixed together. Then divide the bigger things in smaller steps. When you have your braindump you can put them in place on a next page. What’s your starting point? What is the first importent step? Maybe it is to learn : How to…. If you need it, just write till the last page. Then you have a clear head. It’s very relaxing to have that notebook the rest of the year. You don’t have to think now just read and do it! Do you know what is the most satisfying part? To cross off every step you have taken! Every line you cross off you’re closer to your goal. Closer to the point you can say:

I don’t care what other people thougt. I knew I could do this so I did.

Planning is a way of life and necessary for a successful blog. Do it and enjoy all of the things you learn doing so! A notebook is a great start and after 5 years you can look back and see your progress!

I’m curious if you’re working with a planner, notebook, bullet journal or app’s right now. What is working for you? Do you have tips for other bloggers? Let me know in the comment!

If you don’t have a notebook you like to start with. Just look in the shop and order one.

Enjoy blogging

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