The Richest man in Babylon

The Richest Man in Babylon is a book written by George S. Clason in 1926. A story told by Arak, a fictional Babylonian character that lived 4000 years ago. At first he was a poor scribe but at the end of his life he became the richest man in Babylon. He tells parables so that the crowd that listens to him can learn the lessons.

There are: the seven cures for a lean purse and five laws of gold. The quote above is inspired on the first one: Start thy purse to flattening so pay yourself first.

You can think how you can intregrate all of his rules into your life. When you do it long enough wonders will occur. But you’ll have to be patience.

I did not read the book but listened it on YouTube. Every time I was alone in my car I heard a piece of it. The nice thing about that is: you can think about what you heard before the next lesson is there. You can integrate little things and start right away. The way it is told it’s like you reading an ancient book, the way of life in that decade in combination with the financial education is nice.

Therefore when you like to read a story and learn may lessons I recommend this book to start with!

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