Say no more

Say no more from Karen Rose

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Finally ready to face het ghosts, Mercu returns to Sacramentoto help het brother Gideon find the brutal cult that robbed them of their childhood. But when Ephraim Burtin- the man who made het life a living hell- follws het htere, she realises she might never be safe.

Rafe Sokolov would do anything to have Mercy in his life and would go to anu length to prtect her. But when it becomes apparent the Ephriam is more detemined than ever to get Marey back, even Rafe might not be able to stop him. As Ephraim draws near, it’s clear it’s not just Mercy who is in danger. Those closest to her are firmly in his sights…

My review;

Say no more is the second book in the Sacramento Series. Mercy went back to New Orleans, to the home and the family she build up. When she makes a mistake at her work she get’s 2 months of. There are a lot of unfinshed business in Sacramento. Now she knows here brother was not the person she thougt he was and there ’s Rafe. The man that saved her life…

First of all I love the books from Karen Rose! When I see one I have not read I buy it. Never have I been dissapointed.

Rose knows how to pull you in the story. When you start to read a lot of things are happening! You feel from the start there are things you don’t know about but you’re eager to learn.

Mercy and Gideon have a very ugly childhood in Eden. They are ripped apart and still trying to deal with it. In every book Rose has a theme that chocks you. I like the way how she does that. You thing about it while reading.

How is it to live in a sect? How is it when you escape? What offers are there to make? What happens in that sect, stays there…

It scarred Mercy for life. She has to deal with it and with Ephriam going after her, she has to stand up. In the horror that she lives in, it is great to see that see is growing. She is no longer a victime.


It was again a hell of a ride but I loved it from page 1. Sometimes is was horror and sometimes is was love but most of all it was a hell of a job to put the book down!

Enjoy reading

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