My goals for 2023

Every year I think about what I want to achieve this year. In September 2022 I started Reading Virus. This year I want to set goals for this blog as well. How do I do that? Writing them down and this blog is the result of it!

Blog goal

Because I work all week and have a Dutch blog as well I want to write 52 articles in this year. When you see it like this it looks a lot. But when I break it in pieces it’s 1 blog every week. The great thing about planning is you can write some week 2 blog and the other week none. There are weeks I have more time and inspiration than others.

What do I want to write about?

I want to write more blogs about blogging, give you ideas and help you with setting up a blog. What to do and what not to do…. It will be a fun journey for us both.

What do I want to read?

A lot ;-)…

I have 2 goals I want to read and write about.

1 I want to read 5 non fiction books and share them with you. These will probably be about finance and big tech.

2 I want to read 5 books about the LGBTQ+ community.

And beside that I want to read and share other books with you. It will be a hodgepodge throughout the year. But it will be fun!


I want to take time to learn. Buy an E-book, look at the internet and learn how to do this better. I will share this with you.


I always have a notebook with me to write things down and this will be my guide this year. I want to write everything down what I’m thinking about what to do with Reading Virus. What is possible, what do I think is impossible and how can I make it possible…

This are the first goals of 2023 for me. Do you have goals this year and what are they? Let me know !

Happy 2023 and good luck!

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