My brother’s name is Jessica

My brother’s name is Jessica from John Boyne

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Sam Waver’s older brother, Jason, has always been there for him. Sam Idolises Jason, who semms to have life Sorted- he’s kind , popular, amazing at football, and girls are falling over themselves to date him.

But then one evening Jason calls his family together to tell them that he’s been struggling with a secret for a long time. A secret which quickly threatens to tear them all apart. His parents don’t want to know and Sam simply doesn’t undertsand.

Because what do you do when your brother says he’s not your brother at all? That he’s actually ….. you sister?

Why to read my brother’s name is Jessica

I think is is great that there are books like these. Being a girl in a body of a boy is still a taboo. Fortunately your hear about this more often then 20 years ago. It is not easy to say to the reat of the world: I’m not the person you think I am! A have another gender.

My brother’s name is Jessica can be a starting point. A book that can explane a lot when you are in that situation. It can help you to think about all that feels wrong. But it can also help you to start the conversation with other people.

In this story you follow the transformation of the hole family. And it is not always for the good! I sympatize with Jessica. The things she has to weather. It’s awfull. The way the parents react. I understand that it is not easy ( I know what i’m taking about) but it is you child. And it stays your child! It’s not a easy decision to make. It’s every day for a very long time knowing that it doesn’t fit. That you are unhappy. In some cases even that you can not live with yourself this way. Then you have to come out. You have to tell what the problem is, knowing it can do so much wrong. And you know there is no other way!

Sam is his brother and he looks up to Jason. But he doesn’t understands what his brother tells him. Can you suddenly overnight become a girl? Is it possible then that he will wake up and be a girl? The parents reaction do not help the kids. They see that Jason has a “problem” that can be fixed. It has to be fixed because it is not good for the public oppinion. Luckily there is help. There are people that help. That explane to Sam what is happening so he can understand.

My brothers name is Jessica is a book you can not put away. You go through a roller coaster of feelings. A book that makes this taboo a little bot less taboo.

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