How to set goals for your blog

You want to achieve things when you start a blog. This things can be very small or you can think incredible big and see the dollar signs after setting up your blog. The most important thing is to know what you want to achieve and what is possible.

Every goal has another way to approach them but there are things in common.

Take a pencil and notebook and start to write when you are reading this blog!

Start from a clean slate? Do you want a nice new notebook to start in? Look in the shop and choose a nice one.

Write down your goals

What are your goals?

Do you want to write as your go? How many blogs do you want to write in 2023? Do you want to write 1 artikel every week or do you want to write 1 artikel every day?

Do you want to go for page views? Do you have a number in mind?

Do you want to work with socials? Which one you want to experiment with? Or do you want them all?

Is the output the most important thing or do you want to have fun?

These are a few questions you can ask yourself. Now take your notebook and start to write for yourself!

Got them all?

Did you think about all of them? Are there questions you cannot aswer now? You did well! You don’t have to answer them all at ones. Maybe in your mind there were other question that were more importent. When you are in the mood to think about this again. Take the notebook and complement them.

How to achieve your goals

Now you have your goals, you have to think about how to get there. This is the nice part. How are you going to get a structure ? Now you can start to make your plans.

For instance your goals is to write 1 blog every week. You need to block time in your calendar to write. But that’s not all. On which day of the week you are going to publish it? On which time of the day? When are you going to make the pictures that will accomplish the blog? Are you using a planner or a notebook? Are you blocking time ones a week or do you want to chop the blog in little pieces so you can build on your website every day one piece at a time?

A lot of questions? Yes I know but write this down. When you do, you are getting it clear in your head. You’re building a system. Your mind knows better what to do and you will accomplish more this way.

The second thing that is important. You can watch this notes after a while when you don’t know anymore what you where thinking at this point. It helps you when you’re lost hope because it doesn’t go as fast as you we’re hoping.

Rome wasn’t build in 1 day and that’s the same for a blog! You don’t run a marathon without training!

Set up your system

You now know what your goals are and how you want to do it.

Take a calendar and start to block of time and do the things you plan. Everyone has a lot to do and blocking a timetable of 3 hours is most of the time not possible but when you can manage to block 30 min every day you’re getting things done. It will be become a habbit and it won’t be a question when you should do it. Just do it every day and slowly it will work.

Do you like to start your day with building your website? Some people are more productive in the morning while others like to write in the evening. Which one are you?

When you are a morningperson you can set your alarm 30 min earlier ( after a while maybe 1 hour). When you wake up you know that you have time (with your first morning coffee 😉 ) to build a stone on your dream! Every morning 1 stone and in a your you have your first building! 1 tip : set your alarm because when you are in the flow you will forget the time.

When you are an evening person it’s more difficult! In the evening you can watch the news, look at your favorite TV program and your friends are texting you but you want to work and build your stone….

It can be hard to disconnect with the world but you can ! When you want you will find a way to do so! And like I said: it don’t have to be a long periode! When you do it on the same time every day soon your friends will now not to bother you in that timeframe.

Know that blogging is not a sprint but a marathon. The first weeks and even months you will see just a little. After more months Google wil slowly find you blog and will start to rank it. Then is were the magic happens!

Get a system and stick by it. It will give you lots of you!

Stick with your system

You have your goals, you thought of a system, now you have to stick with it. How do you know that you are on track?

  • Make a tracker in your notebook.
  • Make a braindump for all the ideas you have in the future.
  • Make a blogcalendar.

Nothing is so beautiful as looking back in a planner/ notebook and see how your goals are growing. How you nurrish it every day and like a flower it slowly grows. Every day you can write down what you did that day to become where you want to be. We often think that we have to do big things but when you build it up patiently it will flourish more than you had imagined.

The keywords are:

  • Make it a habbit
  • Every day a little bit more
  • stick with your plan
  • write down what you did ( for bad days you think it is not working)
  • enjoy the road to get there.

When you do all of this you will reach your goals. You will get there and hopefully you look back and discover that you’ve learned a lot and enjoyed every step of the way!

Good luck !

Reading Virus

For a bookish notebook you can click on the link below the cover!

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