How to read more with less money

Did you hear about inflation? Is that a problem for you as well? What are you thinking when you’re in a bookstore? Can I take that book home or not? In this blog 5 tips to read for less money.

Go to the library

Have you already thought about this? Pay for your subscription and get all the books you want to read for a whole year. Of course there are books you have to wait for, and you’re not the first one to read it but you can live a hundred lives in 1 year.

The librabry is not the same as 20 years ago. It’s not only a place to lend books but often apso a place to meet people that like to read as well. Sometimes there is even a coffee or a reading corner. You can go to presentations, meet writers and learn about a lot of topics. When you go there you are surrounded by like-minded. You can ask for book tips and help if you have choice stress. And if you don’t know just take all of them home 😉

Did you know that in the most libraby’s you can suggest a title or an author? The librarian will review if the book is a good purchase and maybe you’ll get a sign that they bought you suggestion.

Borrow a book from a friend/ family member

My family has been doing this for years now. We all like to read fantasy and YA books. So before we buy a book that we think the others like we call or text each other. That way we try to buy not the same title twice ( it’s not watertight because we have the same title in 2 different languages )

Before you start a shared libraby, check if all the members love books the same way. When there is 1 person that is not so caring with your book, it can happen 1 time but you will get mad if it happens everytime!

Nothing is as nice as talking about the characters with a cup of coffee, tea and a bicuit. You can even start a bookclub. Who says reading is not a social activity…..

Start or borrow from a mini libraby

Did you discover them? The small bookcases on the side of the road? In many countries you can find them. Small bookcases in lovely colors with old and new books in them. You can take one out and leave one book you have already read behind. This way you make other readers happy with your book.

I moved awhile ago and that was the time to clean out my bookcase. There were a lot of books a knew that I wouldn’t read them again. The perfect time to pass them on. On my way to work there were 2 mini libraries so you can guess what I did. They were filled when I left. The nice part is that I saw 2 weeks after the most of them were disapeared. They found a new home.

Have you ever thought about a office library? When you have more colleagues that love to read you can start one. Just take a few of your books to work, put them on a chelf or in a closet that everyone can reach. Talk about it at you lunch break. Before you know it there will be more books. Your colleagues all have books at home they do not want to throw away but is not there favorite book. The office libraby is the ideal opportunity to share that book. And you can go home after work and read a new book in the evening. The next day you can even talk to a colleague about it ;-); Again reading is a social activity that way.

Thrift stores

I always love thrift stores as well. I like to look around at all the old books. Some of them are awfull but you can find books that are exceptional. Once I bought the whole series of the wheel of time for 20 euro and the state which they were in was great. I am still happy when I see them. They look lovely in my bookcase.

The danger of entering a thrift store is that books often cost 1 or 2 euro ( dollars) so you eyes are bigger then your arms…. The first times I was there it was a mistake I made. Now my TBR case is (more then) filled and I’m more selective. I have to have a place to put them…. Perhaps that’s for you also the case?

Buy books on sale

Look at Amazon or go to your local bookstore. Often they have books on sale. Books that were publised several years ago. Or in the first edition they were published in hardcover form and now they are in cheaper layout, a paperback or you can also buy a e-book. When you like reading on your phone, tablet or e-reader it is cheaper then physical books. If you add these together you can get a bargain when you search for it.

When I write this there is an ongoing action at a bookstore to buy 2 books and get 3… At another bookshop there is always a bookbin outside with books that cost 2 to 10 euro. I discovered a few books that I found to expensive when they came out. After all the time I was still curious about them so…. I bought them for less.

Do you have other tips to read books for less money? Let me know below.

I’m always curious and eager to learn.

Enjoy reading!

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