My brother’s name is Jessica

My brother’s name is Jessica from John Boyne Back cover Sam Waver's older brother, Jason, has always been there for him. Sam Idolises Jason, who semms to have life Sorted- he's kind , popular, amazing at football, and girls are falling over themselves to date him. But then one evening Jason calls his family together … Lees verder My brother’s name is Jessica

Is it worth to read: Rich Dad Poor Dad?

When you want to learn about personal finance Rich Dad Poor Dad is a book that will pop up in your journey. It's the best seller book written by Robert Kiyosaki. The question today is: Is it worth to read this book? Where are you in your journey of personal finance? Is this your first … Lees verder Is it worth to read: Rich Dad Poor Dad?

Bound in darkness

Bound in darkness from Kim ten Tusscher Back Cover Lilith, a young and rare dragon changer, was stolen by the uncompromising prophet Kasimirh when she was a baby. The prophet aims to convert the world to the faith of Jacob and does not shy from bloody war to achieve his goal. Kasimirh uses Lilith as … Lees verder Bound in darkness

Say no more

Say no more from Karen Rose Back cover Finally ready to face het ghosts, Mercu returns to Sacramentoto help het brother Gideon find the brutal cult that robbed them of their childhood. But when Ephraim Burtin- the man who made het life a living hell- follws het htere, she realises she might never be … Lees verder Say no more


Insomnia by Jilliane Hoffman When the cell phone and the bloody jacket of the missing 17-years old Mallory Knight are found, the police are in highest state of alert, and fear that she has fallen into the hands of the notorious serial killer known as " Handyman". Disturbed and covered in cuts, Malory tumbles into … Lees verder Insomnia

Heartbeat from Joanne Carlton

Synopsis Sixteen-year old Sam knows life will never be easy for her. Socially awkward and armed only with a brilliant mind and feisty character, she struggles with things that other teenagers find normal. Only her best friend Jasper really gets her. Eighteen-year old college student Jasper strives to be the perfect son to his successful … Lees verder Heartbeat from Joanne Carlton

All your perfect

All your perfects from Colleen Hoover In All your perfects you read from different time slots: then and now. Quin and Graham are cheated by there partners. This happens when Quin is planning her wedding. From that moment on this wedding is history. When they try to forget what happened to them, they meet in … Lees verder All your perfect

Into the dark

The more books I read from Karen Rose the more I love them! Every book I read I'm a greater fan. Into the dark tells the story of Michael. He is the eyewitness of the murder of his stepfather. When he's getting his brother from his soccer practice, coach Diesel sees there is something very … Lees verder Into the dark

The Richest man in Babylon

The Richest Man in Babylon is a book written by George S. Clason in 1926. A story told by Arak, a fictional Babylonian character that lived 4000 years ago. At first he was a poor scribe but at the end of his life he became the richest man in Babylon. He tells parables so that … Lees verder The Richest man in Babylon