All your perfect

All your perfects from Colleen Hoover

In All your perfects you read from different time slots: then and now. Quin and Graham are cheated by there partners. This happens when Quin is planning her wedding. From that moment on this wedding is history. When they try to forget what happened to them, they meet in a cafe. Both drowns the first shock and in the end they end up in the appartment of Quin. In the morning there hangs a note with the phonenumber from Graham with this message:

Call me after your rebound. Graham.

Quin doesn’t call but a couple of months later faith decides that they meet again when they both are om a date with another person. This is the beginning of a new future.

Now there wedding is under pressure. Grown apart, dancing around each other because the main problem is infertility. Quin’s greatest wish is becoming a mom, every month there is the dissapointment, every time after the sex she has hope, every time it’s getting harder to hope. This tears up their marriage.

The contradiction between being in love and crushed bij the pain is very touching. But they are certainly not alone on this. When you’re married it is a common question to ask when the children are planned. Are you already trying? Do you have kids? Innocent question but they can tear somone apart. The tension within Quin and the problems between her and Graham because they don’t take about that anymore is described in a cathy way. A was touched by the way Hoover described it.

I read All your perfects in 1 afternoon. It touched me on very many aspects. Putting it away was not a question. All your perfects is a pageturner that let you think when you turned the last page.

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