30 day writing challenge

When you start or have a blog this challenge is great to do every year. Create your own 30 day writing challenge! What is it?

You set yourself a goal. Every day in that 30 days you gonna write and work on your blog. Why? To create content. Try to write 1 blog or work 1 hour every day. Is this possible? Yes it is. When you do it for 30 days. You’ll get a focus and the period is limited. After 30 day you can breath a bit and look what has happend. The first you see is that your blog is changed. Your site is boosted. When you do it in the beginning you’ll have a starting point with 30 blogs. Your blog has his first content and the visitor can look around. You have covered the most importent topics in your niche. Now you can build further.

When you have a blog for a longer period of time the challenge is also nice to do. It is a moment of stretching. You obligate yourself to write and think about your site. Think about content again and focus. One thing that maybe is a bit gone after long time blogging.

30 days is all it takes to start

What to do during your writing challenge?

First of all take your calander and chose your 30 days. Write it down and start planing. When are your writing blocks? Do you love to write in the evening or in the morning? Think about this before you start. Otherwise day 1 is past and you’re still not know when you have time to write.

When it is possible write some ideas down before day 1. Is it difficult to have 30 ideas up front? Don’t let that stop you! When you start you will get extra ideas. When the creating modus sets in it’s difficult to stop it. You will write 1 blog every day but you will think about your blog more in this periode. It’s possible it takes controle over you!

Prepare before you begin

You have your date set? That day is today?

Now make yourself a coffee, tea or something else to drink and start writing your first blog.

What to write about

Do you have a niche? Are there special topics to write about?

This 6 questions can help you to dicede what topic to write about

  1. What do you like about your niche?
  2. How can you implement your niche in daily life?
  3. Can your cluster already written blogs in 1 new ?
  4. Go very specific. Inlighten your reader. Take a detail and write about that.
  5. Think about 1 topic , cut this in 5 pieces, write 5 posts and a clusterpost
  6. What is the perpuse of your topic for someone?

Now you have a lot of topics to write about.

What do you like about your niche?

What is the reason you want to start a blog about this niche? Is it something you’re passionate about? Is this a niche you know a lot of but you can’t find a lot info on the internet and you want to share your knowledge? Why should every one know about this? Maybe you have thought about it a very long time and maybe you start after a day.

How can you implement your niche in daily life?

Is your topic easy to implement in daily life? And how can you use it then? Every topic has it’s purpose. Some people like to read, some people like to sport and some are very interested in life stile. Every hobby has it place n that persons life. But also all the things you can buy have there purpose. Sometimes people don’t know how to use is and you can explane that in your blog.

Can you cluster already written blogs in 1 new?

When you have already written a lot of blogs they can be very specific. You can write a blog that has a chopper view over these topics. The nice part is you can make a link in your new to write blog to the old ones for further details. This way you create internal links and that’s great for more view on your blog.

Go very specific. Inlighten your reader. Take a detail and write about that.

When you just starting out, you can do the opposite. Take a detail out of you niche, detail it down to a minimal part and write about that. What should the reader learn about it. Which question should be solved ? A reader is always searching with a goal. The large parts are easy to find but it can be not detailed enough. Your post can be the answer!

Think about 1 topic , cut this in 5 pieces, write 5 posts and a clusterpost

When you cluster 3 and 4 together you have number 5. This way you create links on your site that are very importent!

What is the perpuse of your topic for someone?

Always write for your reader. Think about your topic and what it could do for them. In which way it can help? Switch places. Think about yourself 5 years less experience in your expertise. You’re looking on the internet… What would you want to find? What was interesting for you? Maybe this is what you have to write about.

How to stay on track?

Day 1 will be easy. Day 7 a little bit harder and it’s possible you ask yourself why you accepted the challenge at day 20. But you can make it a game. Make a spreadsheet with 30 days on it. And use it every day to mark the day after you finish the goal for that day. It’s visible and rewarding to take your pen and put a big cross on that day. I’ve made an example for you. when you want you can set your goals in the squares. Make it work for you!

If you want to stay on track it is also important to plan ahead. Take your planner and look at it. Can you block time? Is it possible every day for at least 1 hour? 2 times 30 minutes? Or can you block only 30 minutes a day and block a larger part in the weekend? That is also possible. Try to block a timeframe from 7 hours every week. Not everybody has the same schedule. Focus on the 7 hours a week these 30 days.

When you write it down it’s more easy to follow it. Your mind knows now when it is time. It’s not non-commital any more. Every day you look in your planner there will be a reminder there. A great way to let yourself know this is important now! Do you need a backup plan? Do you want to see how far you are in the challenge? Use this then.

What if you can’t write 1 blog every day?

Is this necessary? No it is not! The challenge can be to write for 1 hour every day or you can challenge yourself to write 1000 or 2000 words every day. All the goals you set for yourself or great! The most important thing is that you work on your blog every day for this 30 days.

Not every day will be the same. One day you have a lot of energy and the other you’ll be tired of work. In this stage your blog probably will not be your head source of income. And that’s ok. Just look at it as a musician. You have to practice every day a bit. Just try and learn. Succeed and fail. Stand up every day to try again. If it doesn’t work today, read what you did write again tomorrow. You’ve set the lines but maybe you didn’t find the good words. After a good night rest, your brain will have the solution, that way it will be better.

It’s also possible you write the basics lines when you don’t have much time. The layout can be just a few words on a page but these are the most importent ones. You can write this down the first day and make it a blog the next one. Be creative and find your way to do so!

Note for the perfectionist!

The 30 day writing challenge is a goal ! When go don’t hit that goal 1 day you do not lose the challenge. Don’t stop when day 8 you have to go to the doctor with a family member, you have to work late and you have to cook when you finally come home. That’s a pity. But sleep over it and start the next day over. Have fun and build your site. Look after 30 days what you accomplished!

How to plan the publishing of the written posts?

Wonderful. Now you know how, what and when to write but the question is also when do you publish this posts? Do you post them when you are ready? Or will you wait?

How many posts do you normally write? Do you have a lot of time? Is writing 2 posts a week easy? Then you can posts your blog every day. But know it is more important to publish regularly than 1 month a lot. You can use this challenge to fill your first months with content. Plan your publishing time and go for it. When you have 30 posts written you have content for the next 15 weeks. That’s nearly 3 months of content! 3 months to write follow up content, to investigate and to search for new ideas. Maybe to learn about blogging and to experiment with that. You cannot relax but you can take your time now.

You have to run a marathon when you start a blog but now you’re in front many others now!

You’ve take a head start after these day writing challenge

Are you ready to start? You have piked the date? Than I wish you the best of luck ! Enjoy the proces, the writing, the goals you do achieve! Afterwards you’ll look back and be so proud of yourself. I’m sure you can do this!

Good luck and let me know if it worked.

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