Why do you always need a notebook?

Do you have a notebook with you all the time? I do. I work with a bullet journal and I have always a little notebook in my purse. Why do you think? Why do you need a bullet journal? Many people use a calendar or an app on your phone to know when you have … Lees verder Why do you always need a notebook?

Why reading is important?

Reading has a lot of benefits. Some we know and some we don't realize. These 7 reasons are important for everyone. Discover and recognice them below. Do you remember the time that you were little? You learned to read? There was a world you didn't know. And now you got the invitation to enter it. … Lees verder Why reading is important?

LGBTQ+ book tips

The 5 books I want to read this year: Book tip : Brother’s name is Jessica from Bohn Boyne In Sam’s eyes his brother Jason has everything: he’s playing football, has girls chasing him Addis popular at school. But what he doesn’t know is that Jason himself is very unhappy. One evening Jason calls his … Lees verder LGBTQ+ book tips

How to set goals for your blog

You want to achieve things when you start a blog. This things can be very small or you can think incredible big and see the dollar signs after setting up your blog. The most important thing is to know what you want to achieve and what is possible. Every goal has another way to approach … Lees verder How to set goals for your blog

My goals for 2023

Every year I think about what I want to achieve this year. In September 2022 I started Reading Virus. This year I want to set goals for this blog as well. How do I do that? Writing them down and this blog is the result of it! Blog goal Because I work all week and … Lees verder My goals for 2023

Is it worth to read: Rich Dad Poor Dad?

When you want to learn about personal finance Rich Dad Poor Dad is a book that will pop up in your journey. It's the best seller book written by Robert Kiyosaki. The question today is: Is it worth to read this book? Where are you in your journey of personal finance? Is this your first … Lees verder Is it worth to read: Rich Dad Poor Dad?

Bound in darkness

Bound in darkness from Kim ten Tusscher Back Cover Lilith, a young and rare dragon changer, was stolen by the uncompromising prophet Kasimirh when she was a baby. The prophet aims to convert the world to the faith of Jacob and does not shy from bloody war to achieve his goal. Kasimirh uses Lilith as … Lees verder Bound in darkness

How to start a blog

Checklist to start a blog Do you want to start a Blog? Take paper and pensil and your computer and let's start! What do you want to write about? What is your niche? Don't narrow it down but don't make it to big as well. What is your passion? What do you want to share … Lees verder How to start a blog

Say no more

Say no more from Karen Rose https://youtube.com/shorts/8xtkT4F133s?feature=share Back cover Finally ready to face het ghosts, Mercu returns to Sacramentoto help het brother Gideon find the brutal cult that robbed them of their childhood. But when Ephraim Burtin- the man who made het life a living hell- follws het htere, she realises she might never be … Lees verder Say no more

25 book blog post ideas

Everyone with a blog sometimes needs inspiration. I do to! That's why I was brainstorming about this blog. What could I write about? What would you like to read? Idea 1 sharing my brainstorm list. See here what I was thinking about. Enjoy and hopefully you get inspiration out of it! 25 Ideas for a … Lees verder 25 book blog post ideas